Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.

   +1 555 87 89 56   80 Harrison Lane, FL 32547

Digniti Ltd

We are devoted to develop the Kudos Platform that helps people prepare and execute their missions.

Planting is the genetic code of a mission. Just as a plant seed defines what will a tree look like when it grows.


An idea might come from outside world or from within you.

Initial state of the mind has to be validated to see if the idea resonates with your soul.

If it resonates that might be something worth of living for.


Is it the right time, what is my starting point, what are the circumstances?

Where would at the end the realization of this mission lead?

If there is no goal, nothing will come. Even if it comes you will not recognize it.


The first step of materialization of the idea is writing it down.

If not materialized it will stayed locked in your head forever.

Locked idea consumes your energy infinitely.


An idea might come from outside world or from within you. Initial state of the mind has to be validated to see if the idea resonates with your soul.

If it resonates, it is a long-term commitment that drives you to pursue mastery in your field.


Is it the right time, is it right decision, what is my starting point, what are the limitations, what are the circumstances. Where would the realization of this mission lead?

These are all questions that have to be considered when defining a goal. If there is no goal, nothing will come. Even if it comes you will not recognize it.


People tend to think without acting. People tend to act without thinking.

The first step of materialization of the idea is writing it down. If not materialized it will stayed locked in your head forever. Locked idea consumes your energy infinitely.

  • Where would the realization of this idea lead?
  • Where does the idea come from? 
  • Does it resonate with my soul?
  • Is it the right time?
  • Is it right decision?
  • What is my starting point?
  • What are my skills?
  • What are my limitations?
  • What are the circumstances?
  • What is my spiritual state?
  • Am I willing to change
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