Celebrating ...
Symbolic rituals that mark the significant milestone and achievement
The Ceremony
Instead of seeking external validation or focusing on accomplishments, the emphasis is on cultivating an inner sense of contentment and gratitude.
Reflect on and express gratitude for the present moment, the people in your life, and the lessons learned from both positive and negative experiences.
Opportunity to review past experiences, identify areas for improvement, and renew commitments to the mission.
Involve introspection and reflecting on your actions, decisions, and character.
Instead of extravagant events, celebration ceremonies are characterized by simplicity, modesty and genuine connections.
Involve gathering with loved ones, engaging in meaningful conversations, and appreciating the simple pleasures of life.
Inner Reflection
Sense of Closure
Expressing Gratitude
Cycles and rhythms
Reinforcing Positive Habits
Emphasize meaning of the mission
Bring a sense of significance
Cultivating inner sense
Fostering reflection and gratitude
Identify areas for improvement
Renew commitments
Simplicity and modesty
How can Digich help
Close mission and share mission completion with genuine companions
Accept Digich from genuine companions and teachers valuing their relevance and impact that support has had on you
Acknowledge everybody’s contribution to the mission
Personally reflect on your progress by reviewing the artifacts received during the mission
Joyfully revisit your achievements and completed challenges with your genuine companions