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Planning ...

Mission plan reflects strategy and tactics that will be applied along the path.

Mission plan is your guidance through the unknown path towards the known destination.

Why planning


Two samurai engage in a battle against each other. The one who relies solely on strategy finally wins, but the fight will take a very long time. Conversely, the samurai who relies solely on tactics is destined to lose.

A strategy is your goal and your intention. It answers to question WHAT you want to achieve. It is something that came to you in planting phase.

A tactics is mission plan. It answers to question HOW you want to achieve your goal.


People overestimate what they can do in a day but they underestimate what they can achieve in a year.

Slicing a mission means defining smaller achievable steps rather than trying to achieve all at ones.

If not sliced, a mission might look endless, motivation drops down overtime, increasing difficulty to keep going when stuck.


In project management plan time is used as an unnatural force to micro-manage people, keeping them under stress while they are executing micro tasks.

Mission planning considers a time as a natural force in unity of energy and matter. This unity creates a harmony of unleashed energy and actions towards the mission goal.

  • Philosophical Foundation
  • Holistic Perspective
  • Fluidity and Adaptability
  • Intuition and Inner Guidance
  • Emphasis on Process and Mindset
  • Tool Usage

How can Digich help

  • Slice the mission into smaller missions by writing them down on cards
  • Write down minimal set of information important for the mission
  • Have an overview of mission path and note fields requiring more attention
  • Modifying each card rearranging priority related to current situation
  • Share with fellows only when support is needed
  • Have all missions details stored for your peace of mind